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Posts posted by JS4598

  1. And why has NO ONE mentioned Dead Ops? I'm tearing my hair out trying to figure out what that is! :roll:

    I have seen some footage, look up the game alien swarm to get a hint.

    Or just search youtube for leaks, but i dont recomend that :oops:

  2. Well, most online shops ship pre-orders out a few days before the release and the game normally comes on the day or even the day before :-)

    Hope this helps

    You just made my day now that i know theres a chance of me getting it before all my friends im a very happy pappy thanks

  3. I have never pre ordered off a web site and i devided to get hardened edition off futureshop.ca so my question is are they going to ship it so i can play the day the game is released or like a week after?


  4. The graphics and the ak-47. Thats it. Modern Warfail is the reason why I don't think Black Ops will be good!

    Ya well this is Treyarch they listen to the fans and they have probably fixed everything about MW2 that people complained about so before you start thinking they will be the same think about that for a sec

    But think about it, Treyarch saw that MW2 sold a lot so they might want to put a lot of stuff from there to Black Ops. That's business. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: [brains] [brains] [brains] :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

    Ya they probly will but only the things that most people liked they arnt going to make a remake or they wont make sales

  5. The graphics and the ak47. Thats it. Modern Warfail is the reason why I don't think Black Ops will be good!

    Ya well this is Treyarch they listen to the fans and they have probably fixed everything about MW2 that people complained about so before you start thinking they will be the same think about that for a sec

  6. Well if the 4 zombie maps from waw comes back that means Juggernaut will come with it, that is good for zombies but if it comes back to multiplayer too

    Then that will suck major balls, unless its just a deathsteak but i would rather it completely gone from mp. What are your thought on this?

  7. Im not really new here i have been on this site for 2 months now, decided to create an account today. This site is beast and i hope it never gets shut down thank you all for your hard work into this game and everything else you have done.


  8. I have been wanting this idea to be in cod for ever! My internet is really REALLY bad so this would be good for when its glitching for me online and i want to play.

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