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Posts posted by Kessler101

  1. sorry defensive people. let me reword my poll. i would never call a guy like grizz or an optic a noob. but when a 8 year old takes 2 clips of his barret to kill me, thats a noob. I quickscope for fun. but quickscoping is no way to play the game if your trying to win. so sorry for calling those who are good at it noobs, my bad. But the majority of quickscopers are noobs. And while we are on the topic of blops quickscoping, they are nerfing it, and what they are doing to it makes it virtually impossible to hit on purpose.

  2. as stupid as that sounds, for some reason in games, when you attach acog, it adds range, and range adds damage because the bullet moves faster. Could you imagine a revolver accross the map? Thats pretty much a sniper

  3. yea, idk about xbox, but on ps3 i only use the mg4 out of those guns and it was to master it that i used the silencer so it was no biggy. i dont play anymore, ive been playing waw, and i got bioshock tho, so i can hardly remember anything about the trAgedy of a game

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