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Posts posted by MagisterPS3

  1. This is an easy way to gain the "Hands off the Merchandise" Trophy/Achivement which requires you to kill the Pentagon thief before he takes your guns.

    I accomplished this on Solo.

    When you start off, make sure you get Quick Revive. Start saving up points until you have a total of 4550.

    Make a crawler, and make your way down to the power switch, at the lowest floor. You will have to open a door, a lift, spend 250 points to go down in the lift, open 2 more barriers, and spend another 250 points to go down in the second lift.

    Turn the power on, and go back up to the second floor (war room) in the lift.

    Press all the defcon switches until it is on defcon 5. Kill the crawler.

    The Pentagon Thief may or may not appear on the next round. If he doesn't keep going up and down in the first lift until all of the zombies are dead.

    When you hear the power going off the Pentagon thief has arrived. Make sure you are in the war room (with a clear line of sight of the stairs) and IMMEDIATELY cook a grenade and down yourself. Your quick revive will stop you dieing. It will also give you Packapunched M1911s!(They shoot grenades)

    *You don't need to be anywhere near the Packapunch machine, or use it! =)

    Just shoot rapidly at the thief with your M1911 grenades and you should get the Trophy/Achivement.

    Thanks for reading, I appreciate it!

    Donate me some brains if this helped you!



  2. I would upgrade the Javelin into the JaveldomApocolypseDeathGun. It would fire 12 rockets at one time, and each rocket would split up into 36 pieces. Each of this 36 pieces would then self destruct on contact. =) hehe...

  3. Hmm...yes it is a little far fetched...I think they would be better sticking with the 115 storyline and Operation Paperclip, Hammler, Area 51, United States Airforce secrets etc.

  4. I would definitely play the Campaign first, it gives you a feel of the game, and unlike others i find it genuinely exiciting. Then I would play Zombies if it is at the end of te campaign. I dont know if this is true, but I think there is also going to be a seperate co-op campaign...zombie campaign possibility? Then I would play multiplayer, get bored of it, then play zombies until November. Then I would buy Call of Duty...um.....World War 1 Ops.

  5. I agree... it seems everyone is so desperate for clues that any new media by Treyarch must have something to do with zombies. Yes zombies are good but this isnt Call of Zombie its Call of Duty.

  6. I don't understand why you would need this, on XBOX nearly everyone has a mic so there is no point anyway... so there is no point adding it when xbox is Treyarchs chose of console....also, what buttons would it be? Most of them are used...

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