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Posts posted by XxShadyxX

  1. Well, 1354 relating to the alphabet is ACED. Which could also be DECA if spelled backwards. Nothing that stands out comes up for DECA except the Defense Commissary Agency.

  2. I remember someone saying if u search 433339 and the word text on google it says something about a beef jerkey contest. It said it you text 'ALPHA' to the number, you get entered. Y would treyarch use this number wen they could have used anything else? It could be the element 115 thing, but it could be something else?

  3. Hey, im new to all this but ive been following for a while.

    I don't know if anyone's talked or known about this, but on the Black Ops poster, theres a code 433339. If you text it (433-339) it responds back "I'm sorry but I don't understand your message. Please check your previous instructions and try again."

    Ive tried many things even random codes that were in the contents of the briefcase and nothing has worked. Does this connect to any of this?

    And does the amount of gum have anything to do with it? Along with y are 2 names notched under the ones crossed out (on the list). What do these notches mean?

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