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Posts posted by Iloveyou

  1. Its all pretty interesting stuff eh? I use to read all about it. I'm a bit of a history buff, and even though these are consiracies and theories, they had an impact on a lot of things. And who can say its all completely false? Nobody.

    I think they're false and I'm always right. Try and put the clues together.

    :facepalm: lol epic fail

    No need for a life story, kthx.


    Sorry, I mistook you for the author of this thread. Also, I have a reading disability and it's taken me decades to be able to spell and write as well as I do today so I'm really never in the mood to hear snide quips correcting my grammar.

    You're not disabled, you're just fucking stupid. Don't try and put off your own negligence on a real problem.

    ok, kids,*

    Go die in a fire.

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