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Posts posted by KrustY

  1. I'm the chief editor of german call of duty community http://www.callofdutyseries.de and one of our team members discovered something exciting:

    The logo of mysterious GKNOVA.com is exposed and the track leads back to germany. All conclusions and speculations drawn from the case documents up to today are herewith reinforced. The GKNOVA symbol has a great similarity with the logo of the infamous german chemical concern IG Farben AG.

    After 1952, the building served as the European centre of the American armed forces and the headquarters of the 5th US-Corps. It later became the headquarters for the Northern Area Command until 1994. The IG Farben Building was also the headquarters of the CIA in Germany, which led to its sobriquet 'the Pentagon of Europe'. On April 16, 1975, the US army renamed the building the General Creighton W. Abrams Building.[6] The renaming did not have full authority in law, because the US was technically leasing the building from the German government and thus was not the rightful owner.

    IG Farben subsequently became an indispensable part of the Nazi industrial base.[8] The building was the headquarters for research projects for the development of wartime synthetic oil and rubber, as well as the production administration of magnesium, lubricating oil, explosives, methanol, and Zyklon B, the lethal gas used in concentration camps.[4] The building was used by IG Farben for 15 years.

    Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IG_Farben_Building

    More informations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IG_Farben

    Link to our news: http://callofduty.4players.de/board1-ca ... 3%BCsselt/

    What do you mean? Greetz KrustY ;)

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