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Posts posted by Psych0kill3r

  1. After many months of leave, I've decided to come back to CoDz, just so I can keep up with the gaming community. Now before I just calmly walk back in here, I want to get some things strait, so there's no confusion.

    1. I work at PlayTheGameco, that being said, I'm in the middle of the spectrum and when there's rivalries, I tend to stand aside and let things happen.

    2. Yes I'm a brony, yes I like MLP.

    3. I realized I was in the wrong when it came to hating upon CovertGunman, BUT. There is a person who I "dis-like" on the forum. Seeing as though I'm a BRONY, and it's in our code to Love and Tolerate, I will ignore him and anything he says and/or does.

    I hope you guys accept me back after all this time,

    Your friend,


  2. Man, if I had the money heh. That'd be amazing.

    I checked off pretty much everything on there, just y'know NO MONEY T__T

    ....Well, y'know I think I know of a way to make the money though......You could advertise on here, I'm sure that people will understand as to why there's an advertisement on here every once in awhile, if you think its a feasible idea, and I'd implement it if I became the head admin. But, even with advertisements, I'm not sure if it would fully pay for the website. :/

  3. I've always liked the idea of a "canadian" zombies map, they DO mention canada in Ascension, (The radio in the PaP room he goes These Americans....or should i say "Canadians") Since then i've been like YESS ONE DAY. Probably wont happen but, y'know we can always wish for one in my hometown eh!? (The facility were most of NASA's equipment and shit that they refer to constantly in Ascension is in my hometown "Brampton" just like, i dunno 5 min drive from my house?) So I've been creaming just WAITING for them to go "BRUh, DAT NEW MAP, BE NEAR j00RHOUZ" All the gusta.

  4. Can't tell if Treyarch is serious. No WunderWeapons? Thats literally the staple of the game, its what makes zombies so much more enjoyable, when you're standing there staring at the glow of the box, beads of sweat pouring down your face as you open it, your heart rate accellerates as you see the weapons going up, changing, and you see them. The WunderWeapons, the only thing that can bring your salvation. You pick it up, and have ONE HELL OF A PARTY.


    I mad bro.

  5. It has nothing to do with the perks, all the effects are from 115. Teleportation, perks, wonder weapons, and zombies all arise from 115

    Actually no. Perks don't have 115 involved with them at all. Richtofen was working on them before Element 115 (ununpentium or eka-bismuth) was even on earth. And consumption of ununpentium with cause either A. Instant Death, B. EXTREME radiation which could lead to death, or C. All of the above with zombification(talkin zombie mode obv). Yes, 115 effects all the Wunder weapons(excluding the flamethrower *yes i count that as a wunderweapon*), the Teleportation, and the zombies but ununpentium is NOT involved with the perks. You'd die.

    To back this up, listen to all the radios on moon, before Richtofen is exposed to ununpentium he is completely sane, and working on all the experiments with Dr Maxis, this is roughly the same time the perks were completed, how do i know? They just found out how to use the teleporter properly, which means they got the Element. And he never leaves moon until maxis fucks shit up with sam. And the only way for a product of Dr Richtofen's to get mass produced was through Dr Maxis, the "Leader". So if he JUST got the element and figured out how to use it by using it with the teleporter, how would he have the time to make the perks? He wouldn't. Which, the only logical explanation thats possible is that HE MADE THE PERKS BEFORE he found Ununpentium

    I thought they were powered by 115. Isn't it said somewhere? Or in the terminal at least? I know Richtofen says the main ingredient rots your mind, and for Verruckt it says "Chemically Engineered Beverages" but yea I thought they were.

    And actually, Element 115 was on earth long before Richtofen even worked with it. It fell with the Tunguska event, which happened June 30th, 1908. It may have even been on earth before than, with the Vril-Ya.

    Thats true. I forgot about Tunguska. But I highly doubt richtofen would be able to get his hands on it. He's not that old in WaW which takes place in the 40's I doubt he was even born back then. And its true that he says chemically enhanced beverages. But, so is the drinks that the perks are based off of.

  6. Perks have nothing to do with the story!!! Jesus is it that hard to understand. Its like saying that the pistol you get at the beginning have something to do with the story. There are just there for the fact that they make the game fun.

    Um no. They are involved with the story, and for you to call me out saying that I'm wrong and you're right, then when i bring you hard evidence you go "Oh it doesn't matter anyway, its not even involved" is trying to find a way out. Just admit your defeat, you'll look less......pitiful.

  7. Teleportation cause zombiefication, not the actual element itself.

    1. I just updated what i said to back it up. ^ look up there.

    2. Are you fucking kidding me? You're correcting me, and you don't even know what you're talking about. Teleportation causes Zombification? Urfunnybro.

  8. It has nothing to do with the perks, all the effects are from 115. Teleportation, perks, wonder weapons, and zombies all arise from 115

    Actually no. Perks don't have 115 involved with them at all. Richtofen was working on them before Element 115 (ununpentium or eka-bismuth) was even on earth. And consumption of ununpentium with cause either A. Instant Death, B. EXTREME radiation which could lead to death, or C. All of the above with zombification(talkin zombie mode obv). Yes, 115 effects all the Wunder weapons(excluding the flamethrower *yes i count that as a wunderweapon*), the Teleportation, and the zombies but ununpentium is NOT involved with the perks. You'd die.

    To back this up, listen to all the radios on moon, before Richtofen is exposed to ununpentium he is completely sane, and working on all the experiments with Dr Maxis, this is roughly the same time the perks were completed, how do i know? They just found out how to use the teleporter properly, which means they got the Element. And he never leaves moon until maxis fucks shit up with sam. And the only way for a product of Dr Richtofen's to get mass produced was through Dr Maxis, the "Leader". So if he JUST got the element and figured out how to use it by using it with the teleporter, how would he have the time to make the perks? He wouldn't. Which, the only logical explanation thats possible is that HE MADE THE PERKS BEFORE he found Ununpentium

  9. Who said the crew had been tested with the perks? That and that the perks were lethal? Unproven theory is unproven.

    It dont recall it ever saying that it was lethal, but in the.......i think it's in Call Of The Dead? Anyways the radios in CotD richtofen talks about testing the perks on Dempsey, Takeo and Nikolai, and that he couldnt get them working on them without some kind of stimulant of their own *Nikolai's was vodka, never really said what Takeo's and Dempsey's was, im going to assume Takeo's is Fish (revive soda), and Dempsey's was Eggnog or something along those lines (Juggernog)* So if the marines in vurruckt just got there, how could the stimulants work on them without them being tested on to see which stimulants work? (I pretty sure thats what he's getting at)

  10. Finally we can put this behind us, in the last 6 months i've became really close to PTG and Ben, infact im a director on their youtube account......and i still really love this site to, and am almost constantly on it, and sometimes it gets kinda awkward when everyone's hating something you're appart of and someone you're close to :S

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