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Posts posted by Rebel

  1. tl;dr

    Don't bother. It's like trying to make fun of deaf kids with vocal insults.

    You're an egotistical narcissistic faggot.

    Go back to /b/ or go troll elsewhere.

  2. Just listened to it; did that make sense to anybody?

    Besides the first 2 portions of course, the rest just sounded like random fax machine's and somebody bashing their head against a typewriter, and a few weird gurgles here and there. I have no idea what to make of that, any ideas?

    Carbon, if you would please upload it in .mp3 format so I may download it and run it through a TFA.

    CARBON: Can you please either upload the .mp3's of the Morse code parts so that I may slow them down and try to pick out the message? Or at least give me the times in the audio where it switches to Morse code.

  3. Interesting find. I checked the meta data, nothing interesting in it.

    Nothing is obviously different from the original pic.

    I'd say it is VERY sloppy to put a browseable folder in a website...

    Question is, how did you come across it?

    I to thought it was sloppy, especially for a website of this nature.

    Honestly I was just searching for something like it, I noticed that you could get to the mp3 files such as "/transmission1.mp3" and so I just started guessing terms that I thought may contain something.

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