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Posts posted by ajones19802

  1. My other question is, why has Teddy never answered for us. I personally have probably called a good 50 times. Plus all the other forum members calling at all hours of the day and night, its suspicious that they only answer for the Treyarch people. I think that if we figure out the mailbox number, the pin is probably 1712. Pin numbers are generally 4 digits. I have never entered a mailbox number so idk how long they are. But with a quick google search it appears that its generally your 10 digit phone number.

  2. Haha i got the idea as we were discussing the Teddy number. If you do plug the phone in, a simple program that will allow you to search the filesystem is BitPim. Its free and effective

  3. Yea, I don't buy it. Its way too coincidental that this number put on the poster just happens to lead to a creepy phone number, with an obvious code. And the person "happens" to be named Teddy. Exactly like what was said in Nazi Zombies (and mentioned a few posts ago) "Teddy is a liar". So I personally still believe this should be explored. There has to be a clue in there somewhere.

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