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Posts posted by ImpulseCdog

  1. Ah that it is the snipping tool that allows you to take pictures of the desktop (You may know this)

    It took it too early lol

    I used firefox and it solved it!

  2. When I load GKNOVA it only shows the middle of the screen...

    Like the person in the chair is squinting.


  3. I went to voice mail, they said it was the residence of a richard, and someone else. There is a Richard working for Treyarch.... interesting...

    Wasn't the stamp of the mail package with the usb when Gknova6 was first found wasnt there a richard wright on the stamp?

    Dont flame me lol

  4. Hey I am new to this forum and I was wondering if somebody can tell me how to put one of those little long pictures as groups. I sound stupid but i dont know what i am talking about lol

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