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Posts posted by football5699

  1. This was the poster of Ascension:

    I remember when we freaked out saying Richtofen wasn't in Ascension and the mystery "black" man from the trailer wasn't Edward.

    I think the woman is for dramatic effect but I may be wrong.

    Very good thinking but the original gang will be related in some way whether it be COTD style or not.

  2. So we can tidy up the story discussion with a lot of repeated questions, I propose all of the questions be put into this thread and answer them here. If you ask, I'll add it to the list and I and other members will try to answer it :D Also if a mod wants to merge the topics, then so be it also. There are other story questions but I just posted the ones in the story section.

    bad karma - What happened to Sam?

    I feel like the poster girl may just be for dramatic effect. Kinda like that Kino(?) poster where the 4 heroes just looked REALLY off and Richtofen was bald :lol:

    bad karma again - Where to next, and how will the story continue?

    I am kinda for and against an underwater map. It would have to be in a Bioshock or Atlantis type area where you are closed in from the water because even though zombies can be unrealistic the physics of it are usually justified and explaining how a gun shoots underwater can be tough because I believe thats not possible (?)

    xStopDropNKillx - What's next?

    As Monopoly answered in the thread, Earth isn't destroyed and we will likely have a map dealing with the ruins.

    xFierce_Fighterx - Where to next?

    I would say either Paris, Tunguska, or even LA depending if they want an "extras" map.

    SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD - Where is zombies headed from here?

    It would be nice to see paris or Tunguska last. Tunguska would be a cool "end where it began factor."

  3. If this was Samantha wouldn't this be Richtofen and Richtofen being Samantha?

    Anyway the trailer looks amazing!!!!!!! I love the thought of treyarch doing a game set in the near future (2025) and also going back to 80s with Mason. With the game set in 2025 it means that Treyarch have the scope to do something new, maybe with new weapons. Also with a "One size doesn't fit all" idea it should make for an amazing COD game. MW3 crushed my hopes for another good COD game, I though MW3 wasn't great, aslong as this plays good then I'll be one happy customer, probably going to get the expensive pre-order, this has pumped me up so much.

    Just wondering on the reveal trailer at the beginning it says "THE VAULT" where would this be and does it mean anything?

    The way woods was talking makes me believe that he is talking after the fact. When it sounds like "Then they realized..." So either it is during the "war" or it is after the war.

  4. Imagine Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, Richtofen before they blew up Earth looked down from the Moon and just saw this all out Nuclear War going on....

    Tank: "Did we just see the plot for the next game?"

    Everyone else stares at him like he has 6 heads.

    Tank: "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

    Everyone just walks away.

    that actually seem very plausible :lol: do we even know the date of moon?

    Specifically, no. Most say Pangea is the landmass on Earth which does seem plausible but it is up in the air at this point.

  5. Classis.

    One game: "They aren't changing the game enough, give us something new!"

    Then: "Oh my god WTF they changed it too much! This isn't even COD!"

    I love call of duty. But the community sucks. No point in whining considering they can't change it now! Deal with it. Just because it isn't the textbook, straight forward call of duty we're used doesn't mean this trailer doesn't look epic!

    I didn't want a change lol. I wanted a direct sequel and obviously won't get it. I will give them a chance though.

    I am disappointed though because they could've had a great storyline for a direct sequel. This is risky.

    so was putting that little 'dev toy' at the end of the WaW story.. and look what happened with that :)

    I just gave brains so I cant atm but if I forget PM me and remind me bc you just made my day.

  6. Classis.

    One game: "They aren't changing the game enough, give us something new!"

    Then: "Oh my god WTF they changed it too much! This isn't even COD!"

    I love call of duty. But the community sucks. No point in whining considering they can't change it now! Deal with it. Just because it isn't the textbook, straight forward call of duty we're used doesn't mean this trailer doesn't look epic!

    I didn't want a change lol. I wanted a direct sequel and obviously won't get it. I will give them a chance though.

    I am disappointed though because they could've had a great storyline for a direct sequel. This is risky.

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