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Posts posted by football5699

  1. I am 99% sure you are right actually because in the SNN radio you hear them talking about the teleporter overloading and you Takeo throw up. Takeo pukes quite a lot in that room so unless he has a terrible hangover or w/e i have a feeling that they are in the same place as in the radio. They then proceeded to teleport to Kino.

    That sounds like it makes a lot of sense.

  2. in my opionion, this little easter egg could maybe be how the four get too Ascension, like a prequel maybe.

    You my good sir just sparked a theory that I posted in Ascension....I will give credit because I used the prequel idea but I did support my theory with my own ideas.

  3. If the COTD achievement is "SEND the crew to paradise"

    We always wondered how they flew in on a lander and who sent them.

    Well what if we were the ones who flew them out of the ship and to Ascension on the lander.

    It makes just as much sense as any other arrival theory tbh.

    EDIT: Not to mention Siberia, I believe, is close to Russia where Ascension takes place.

    Credit to PuLsExEdGeZ for sparking the prequel idea for me. The rest is all mine though :mrgreen: (not to be mean of course)

  4. I don't think so because on the loading screen it shows the ascension one in the upper corner followed by the call of the dead "ad" so to speak and then there is another pic on the upper right that looks like a jungle leaf.

    Where have we seen a jungle leaf in a game based on the vietnam war before.....hmmmmmmmmm :lol:

  5. Where the first room on the bottom path where the MPL is......

    There is a strange hole in the wall by where the box would be and if you look straight out coincidentally there is a sparking fuse box, generator, and maybe a radio....Also look at high grounds like in that same room on the second floor.

  6. The need for a whole game dedicated to the Nazi Zombie theme is real & growing...

    Mp mode has a short life span if your a CoD veteran...

    Don't get me wrong, I do like a bit of Mp carnage now & then, but it soon gets stale...

    The only problem I have with Zombie at the moment is lack of Maps, I love the ones I have, but I really want those classics released with some critical updates to the easter eggs.

    Oh, and while I'm at it, why the hell isn't combat training available offline?

    With the PSN down I thought I might do some CT vs nine AI on Veteran mode (I love a

    challenge) but alas you can't play it offline WTF...!

    Regards Alpha.

    You can play against bots offline. I was just playing it last night. I am on Xbox however, is it different for PS3?

    PSN got muffed up and hacked so they are completely rebuilding a part of PSN *sigh*

  7. And to everyone that said that we can use a pitchfork and dual machetes (which I hope we can)

    Everyone is doing the insane melee on what looks like FAKE movie zombies not the real ones. It might be one big cinematic and then we will see what happens. I have not seen a special melee on a real zombie MAYBE except for the sickle which we know can and will be used.

  8. Hi, Im new but I've been viewing this website since the first GKNova6 viral came out.

    Lately, I've notice no one has down a 115 breakdown thats why Im doing this post and I have some theories that people should try since My Xbox 360 has red ring of death. :(

    Note* I'm only breaking down important verses.

    First off --- 115 link


    -and everyone dies and

    -everyone lies

    -They're waiting for the second coming again

    When I first saw/heard They're waiting for the second coming again, it refers to us when we wait for the dogs or hellhounds to arrive and attempt to kill us. So My first theory comes in, is it possible to get all the radios/films before the second coming aka the second time the dogs come.

    -Everyone tries to hold onto their lives

    -When no one's alive

    -Bring me 115

    There are 6 weapons with 115 on it, but what if in one game your team had all 6 weapons. The question would be how would you bring 115 to Sam.

    -I'm the end I can taste it

    -I'll justify hatred

    -I am the chosen one

    -left hand of all that's sacred

    I think this part tells us where she is, left hand? probably left side, and thats the alley way.

    Those to my are very important lines from the song, but what if we could obtain all the radios and tape, and the 6 115 weapons and find the source of sam, at first what if we shoot the mystery boxes but theirs 8... Or everyone is assigned 2 boxes and shoots it with one of each weapons they have.

    Anyway this is all I could think of, If i think of more interesting stuff, ill post back on it here.

    - WunderChandler

    I see your way of thinking and it makes sense. My interpretation is a little similar while a little different:

    Second Coming may be a little on the religious side with Jesus Christ and the Second Coming but I think that it could also be kinda like the same just substitute Sam in there.

    The whole bring me 115 parts I see like this:

    Death = corpses

    dead corpses + 115 = zombies

    Samantha is dead and needs 115 to come back possibly for the "second coming"

    With the whole left hand that is sacred:

    I THINK that is religious but don't hold that over my head. I think the left hand means death, though, and she controls the zombies (dead). Not sure if it is religious though.

  9. That box is interesting.

    There seem to be vents in the top so something must be "living." (The quotation is in case it is a zombie)

    The only thing that comes to mind is the tapping in Kino in the chest??

    Wait.........could the tapping kinda be like a teaser for the whole Gersch thing even though he isn't necessarily there....he could still be stuck in the Aether.

    Either that or he got really hammered and found his way into a closet RIGHT before a zombie outbreak occurred. :lol:

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