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Posts posted by football5699

  1. Did anyone see the loadibg screen. It clearly shows that shang li behind it in a tear BUT a poster even behind tat.

    More zombies?

    Also the dg2 type gun is the quantium thing and the wave gun is duel weild.

    Also to go into space youvhave to get to the space suits and put them on first.

    I..dont see shangri la on the comic

  2. Lol and that crawler at the end looks extremely real.
    I can't wait for everyone to rage about how there are new characters.

    I can't wait for everyone to rage about how there are new characters.

    And creepy crawlies are somewhat confirmed, you can see it during that flash at 2:45. I dont want to say they are completely confirmed, because it doesn't look like actual gameplay. It looks like its CG.

    No original characters. I see Tank Dempsey clear as day and I think I see Richtofen too.

    BBS didn't u see the crawlers throughout the vid :lol:

    And that comic book is bugging me now...it almost looks like we are going to the Beginning of the book

    and i froze the symbol at the end it says ZCODL with a half SOG symbol and the other half is zombified.

  3. My thoughts-

    The perk looks like a dual wield perk maybe for pistols..if you look closely u can see two pistols

    Richtofen is in a space suit not his Nazi Uniform...I think we can re-open the Ascension discussion now

    Maybe Wunderwaffe?

    A little of all the maps are in there.....sounds very promising


    I am so excited for this it is rediculous

    Oh...and the comic book page is suspicious...maybe it shows Area 51 in the page before because it says Meanwhile on the Moon page.

  4. Video explaining a possible confirmation of what the QED is capable of!


    so about the phase zombie, it has been confirmed that it is capable of being seen, than disappearing, when i read this it reminded me of the hint from the loading screen

    "now you see him, now you don't"

    So obviously this zombie was planned from the beginning, just a quick note on that

    Also, The map Drive in from Annihilation has some very interesting photos of monsters, one of which is in Shangri-La, pretty much been confirmed by me(;. Its the one from the sea, in Shangri la, you hear a radio, in that radio you hear Gary get pulled into the Water by a creature i have identified above, and there is a picture of a monster supposedly on the moon.

    Ohh and a quick note i for some reason believe Moon might be before Ascension, im not saying this is my theory but from the looks of the SL loading screen it just makes me think..

    Oh and does that "Only 25cents" pin on the bottom left of the SL loading screen make anyone else think tht this all might be an actual comic book, because if thats the case Zombies is dead to me


    "Now you see him, now you don't" refers to when a player uses a teleporter..

    I thought it was because of the Pentagon Thief.

  5. I don't think there is such thing as a "complex" EE, maybe they just didn't have enough time to make a full easter egg on that map and i think they may extend or make a new easter egg on Der Reise since they are adding one in SNN

    *Home Improvement Tim Taylor Grunt* :?:

  6. if zombies has customizable classes and killstreaks, I will have to SCREAM, WHY DID YOU RUIN SUCH A GOOD THING TREYARCH????????!!!!!!!!! :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

    thats the most dumbest thing i have heard come from a CODZ member. tryarch could make so much money out of a zombie survival game. completely customizeable stuff the whole shabang. it would bring zombies to a whole new level and everything. how could you say it would ruin zombies? are you high???

    uhm dude, there are is going to be a game called: ''Dead island'' with all those features.. you can upgrade your weapons and stuff and has different characters with different specialties.

    and it's not a CODzombies games anymore then

    i just hope they leave it like it is, plain old fashion slaying nazi-zombies :D

    Raise your hand if you were like very timidly, "I'm getting Dead Island"

  7. Ive never heard of this before but all the perks on the old maps would be nice.

    I can see where people go with this but it just wouldn't feel right...do u think 7 perks can fit on NDU....Verruckt??? Shi No has its own perk style so that wouldn't work...and Der Riese is even too small for that many perks...

    Sorry to beat your idea into the ground but I am just saying why :mrgreen:

  8. Video explaining a possible confirmation of what the QED is capable of!


    so about the phase zombie, it has been confirmed that it is capable of being seen, than disappearing, when i read this it reminded me of the hint from the loading screen

    "now you see him, now you don't"

    So obviously this zombie was planned from the beginning, just a quick note on that

    Also, The map Drive in from Annihilation has some very interesting photos of monsters, one of which is in Shangri-La, pretty much been confirmed by me(;. Its the one from the sea, in Shangri la, you hear a radio, in that radio you hear Gary get pulled into the Water by a creature i have identified above, and there is a picture of a monster supposedly on the moon.

    Ohh and a quick note i for some reason believe Moon might be before Ascension, im not saying this is my theory but from the looks of the SL loading screen it just makes me think..

    Oh and does that "Only 25cents" pin on the bottom left of the SL loading screen make anyone else think tht this all might be an actual comic book, because if thats the case Zombies is dead to me


    And to think a week ago that video would've gotten beaten into the ground :D

    I see no problem with that theory...I'm no physics buff so that seems plausible lol

  9. I've always said...I DONT want zombies to end...it won't end

    but I will ALWAYS miss Nikolai, Dempsey, even Takeo

    and possibly my favorite video game character in Call of Duty...The Doctor...as this is THEIR last map....then we will meet new heroes.

    *runs outside for air* (yes I know I stole it blah blah) :lol:

  10. I'll post mine here.

    It all started in Shi No Numa my friend was like do you know the storyline?? I was like :shock: Then KillerFinland's video sold it for me. I was hooked.

    So when I was researching for MP4 of WaW i came across CoDz.

    Kino passed, Five passed, Dead Ops passed got into the site more. Ascension came in Feb. and I tried to hold out and stay clean...lasted 2 days :lol: ...Found this Kassimir thing that was a big bust....CotD came in May.....Loved the Easter Egg when I watched it...hated the map on my 4th try :lol: When i kept failing at the egg...hated it more...felt good when i got it and i may never play that map again but thats a different subject.

    S-L just recently came out and I love it but can't grab the eggs just yet.

    Went on vacation and my friend calls me....ITS AN ALL ZOMBIES MAP..I said BS...Moon


    Moon.....This is the end....Even for my utube channel I'm doing sad vids for the final days of zombies...

    It's been an honor to be wearing this tag of survivor and I hope to get UOTM and Dweller one day. I have met great people through this site and because of zombies I saw RADAUSTIN27 when Black Ops first came out..

    This has been my life for a few years now. I can't believe this is ending now.

    I'll see you all on the other side :cry:

  11. I wasn't here for the entire thang with Gknova but when I joined I still saw some posts about it. It kind of actually made me wanna stay from Ptg completely...but I saw some of their videos and I got hooked. I'm subscribed to Ptg but that doesn't mean I poop on Codz. Lets get along now :D

    Exactly....I joined really smack in the beginning....I subbed to them mainly because RAD joined them but they are very good players with theories just like us...I even PM'd them on Youtube on my take and apologies etc. because i think i was one of the flamers I don't remember :lol:

    I really don't want to start a flame war but their Game Over custom song was pretty good *scared*

  12. I'm gonna be completely honest...since RADAUSTIN27 moved to PTG he personally said to me that PTG.co has NOTHING to do with HL...i liked that.....

    The fact that we are building a truce makes me veryyyyyy happy.....We are arguably the two biggest forces in zombies....we work together somewhat and we have one epic zombie slaying team....

    Here's to hoping that PTG and CoDz can respect each other once again.

  13. Though it will take up the Tactical Grenade slot, I'm sure we will also be able to get the Gersch Devices from the box.

    Here are some ideas on what it could randomly do:

    - Disintigrate all zombies in the general area (Good)

    - Automatically end round (Hugh mushroom cloud explosion) (Very good)

    - Turns them back into the living, with spacesuits, who then might assist you or just waddle off (Ok)

    - Makes all zombies bigger and stronger (Bad)

    - Tunrs all zombies into Phaser zombies (Very bad)

    That 3rd one = BADDDDDD

    We already have that piece of shit its called the VR-11 :lol::lol::lol: :lol:

  14. I was just thinking that Treyarch are into conspiracy theories because they added the illuminati myth into their story line. So as some of you know, there is a large conspiracy that says the government staged the moon landing in the 60's. If Treyarch was trying to mess with us, they'd probably have the moon be just a large hangar or film set that is located at Area 51. We know that Area 51 is involved in this map because of Treyarchs statement "zombies have taken over Area 51" or something like that. But the QED might teleport us from place to place if the moon is real...which it most likely WILL be. I'm just thinking about that moon landing hoax conspiracy and reaching too far probably.

    But I do like the idea of the classic maps being involved also. Like maybe the QED will teleport us to the old maps for a round or whatever. It would be really messed up if the perk machines were scattered throughout all the maps. Like you have to teleport to a classic map to get a perk or something. I don't think they'd do it but it would be neat if they did.

    Oh by the way, this is way off topic but I'm so happy that I have to say it...I finally got the Shangri-La easter egg done. I was lucky enough to find two good players online with mics and my buddy came over and we had split-screen action going on. It took us 3 1/2 hours because the box seriously didn't wanna give us the JGB, but after about 15 different spawn locations later we got it. It was crazy.

    About the tele to classic maps and perks scattered and stuff...im jus gonna leave this here viewtopic.php?f=14&t=9242

    Always been my fantasy lol

  15. Easy Faust... Keep your guns down... The war is over...


    On one hand, Two Down has never made music for Treyarch. They only make fan-based songs.

    On the other, this suddent colaberation between carbon and PTG might be a sign that first-plays are still happening, and a certain someone might have been there.

    Can you explain that last paragraph please?? We are working together?? :o

  16. It will be after.

    Richtofen will have the golden rod and the focus stone, which will be used in the big easter egg.

    ...But how does that prove that Ascension is before..besides the one quote from the person that breaks the 4th wall with almost EVERY quote :lol:

  17. No, you don't get it. Microsoft and Activision has a contract til 2012 saying that the packs must be exclusive to Xbox 360 for at least a month's time. If either one breaks that contract, money will have to be paid...a LOT of money.You can't bend a contract, either. It's the big businesses, and Microsoft is that stuck-up rich 20 year old who won't stand if his rep changes of Software Corporations and Activision is the $2 whore of game companies. Neither will want to do anything out of the ordinary. I don't think we'll be seeing REZURRECTION on PS3 before September 23, 2011.

    No, YOU don't get it. A contract can be breached if both parties agree to it. And YES, Activision would have to give money to Microsoft if any agreement was reached between them. But if Rezurrection is released for PS3 too close to MW3's release, they'll lose most of the sales they'd make if it had been released earlier because people have to save money to get these games and they know that. So lets say Microsoft will settle for a million dollars for a breach in contract, then Activision can still sell the expected amount of Rezurreciton map packs to the rest of consoles as opposed to selling it late September and only getting half of the expected amount. Trust me....I get it.

    That bolded text WILL NEVER HAPPEN unfortunately...Activision won't give two shits because they know this MP will have nothing to do with sales of MW3 they screwed 3arc over with WaW

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