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Iced Earth

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Posts posted by Iced Earth

  1. I am 100% sure we are the first person view of somebody in hospital.

    We are looing at some monitors that are playing the videos we are trying to decipher.

    I think we are in hospital because you can hear a beeping noise in the background that I believe is a heart monitor. You can also hear the person breathing.

    Is it so far fetched as to believe the old gknova6 site was the "before" -- man barely alive, looking at monitors, and the current gknova6 site is the "after" -- the experiments that have gone wrong, with this same man watching the monitors? And if its in a hospital / research facility, would that mean he's trapped there? Idk. [brains]

  2. That's too bad.

    But personally I don't use the chat......because really there is nothing new to discuss, and won't be till (hopefully) the 15th of October. Well at least zombie related.

  3. Well i see the background is gone...if you guys want to use the red one, here's a link: http://oi55.tinypic.com/2a8m2c4.jpg

    Just change the CSS to this:

    body {
    /* Text-Sizing with ems: http://www.clagnut.com/blog/348/ */
    font-family: Verdana, "Trebuchet MS", "Lucida Grande", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    color: #FEFEFE;
    background: #000000 url('styles/CoDz_theme/theme/images/bg/background.jpg') repeat-x;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    font-size: 62.5%; /* This sets the default font size to be equivalent to 10px */
    margin: 0px 10px 0px 10px;

    Download that pic and upload it as background.jpg to that folder. You can get rid of the backgrounds for different screen reso's too, and the CSS entries.

  4. Obvious clouds are obvious. lol

    I really don't like it...at least try changing the layer style on the white...to overlay or soft light or SOMETHING...but right now it looks kind of like a smoke monster just puked his guts out.

    I could try something if you'd like? :?

  5. I like agaguk's the best. I think using an action shot is a big mistake for a menu screen.

    Perhaps some tweaking to the menu itself, and a black fade around the edges would be better. And maybe the call of duty in the yellow, if the black fade is dark enough. Maybe a sharp drop shadow or black stroke.

  6. This:

    Maybe Treyarch has pics on there walls of Zombies and Zombies Dogs from WaW

    and this:

    Maybe they were pictures of Shi No Numa.


    After looking at the article all night I have come to the conclusion this can't be a mistake.

    If it was a mistake then the magazine that printed it can say goodbye to any credit they had within the community. It would be very unprofessional for them to have printed it without doing the proper research to back up their claims.

    People (and companies) make mistakes all the time. Is it possible your "hopes" for zombies are clouding your judgment?

    I do like your idea of contacting the mag to get it sorted out though.

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