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Posts posted by Spitfire

  1. Day 2:

    Bare with me here for a second. The timer in the bottom left corner stops at 4:13. The number 4 in many East Asian countries is considered unlucky because it sounds very similar to their word for "death". The number 13 has a smiler meaning here in America, as many people consider it unlucky as well. And according to Chinese numerology the number 413 means "death throughout lifetime."

    Just something I thought was interesting.

    Thats is very interesting i think that it can mean 2 things. 1. a reference to zombies as the are all dead that rose.

    2. a sign that the campaign happens in asia and war obviously means death as well

    It describes sleeper agents the best. Mason was a sleeper agent in BO1 maybe Russia made a lot of sleeper agents and are planning to attack the states in the US? Your mother, neighbor, teacher could be a russian sleeper agent and they could get triggered at any time, it makes 100% sense.

  2. Guys if you google search the first half of the coordinates (34.040063) and google it you get the coordinates for "Le Beach Club Tanning Resorts, Los Angeles". whats more interesting is that the 2nd half of the coordinates start with 118, just like the CoD website.

    edit: after further investigation around the 118 coordinates, Treyarchs studio might fall into category. Pretty much the flashing code is just coordinates for Treyarchs studio? (34.040063, 118.... is Santa Monica)

  3. I was snooping around when I came across the same site perfectlemonade was talking about. I deleted everything past the .uk part and it shows test 1 and test 2. Inside those was hundreds files. Most of them named ILLUMINA. I don't know if it has to do with anything, but don't download any of the files. We don't know what they contain...

    EDIT: I was lurking and saw MOST of the files in the /ftp folder were modified TODAY. Hm... Interesting.


    EDIT 2: They don't need to be downloaded. All are readable.

    i think your over thinking just a tad bit :/. most of the clues from gknova6 were literally right in front of us just everyone over thought about certain things. If something has you digging across the web its probably not correct. treyarch wants you to speculate, think, more than search.

  4. there wont be a black ops 2 lol. throw black ops out of the window, its not smart for activision to run 2 trilogies under the same brand. Seeing as MW3 might be the last MW/IW game i 100% expect CoD9 to be in the future since treyarchs vietnam era contract ends in 2012.

  5. This came to my head today. Whats the significance behind transmission 3 being a "no signal" picture while transmission 2 shows kennedy's speech and transmission 1 being like a science class video?

    also at the end of transmission 1 it shows kennedy's speech and does a burn effect and in transmission 2 the picture jinks around...

    Maybe the transmissions are from newest to oldest? as if we're going backwards?

  6. I can not cipher so I will try and get all the clear stuff out of the way.


    I may be crazy but this is starting to sound like Modern Warfare 3. Let me get this out of the way.

    In MW2 we dont hear back from the US until we know that its in the dark after a EMP attack from Cpt. Price. Maybe some government official or army dude says

    "They used the earths magnetic field (when Price blew the nuke miles above the earth so he knew he could cause a EMP pulse) X (the "X" factor? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76m5EBzVDc0) the information was gathered and transmitted.

    Its probably not even relatively close but why would their be 2 CoD games showcasing EMP'S?

    possible campaign DLC for MW2 seeing that IW might just quit on MW3 and just wrap up the story now?

    When was the last time infinity ward put this much effort into something that wasn't directly a game, this has treyarch written all over it.

    Probably some genius plan from activision to make treyarch back up IW?

  7. I can not cipher so I will try and get all the clear stuff out of the way.


    I may be crazy but this is starting to sound like Modern Warfare 3. Let me get this out of the way.

    In MW2 we dont hear back from the US until we know that its in the dark after a EMP attack from Cpt. Price. Maybe some government official or army dude says

    "They used the earths magnetic field (when Price blew the nuke miles above the earth so he knew he could cause a EMP pulse) X (the "X" factor? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76m5EBzVDc0) the information was gathered and transmitted.

    Its probably not even relatively close but why would their be 2 CoD games showcasing EMP'S?

    possible campaign DLC for MW2 seeing that IW might just quit on MW3 and just wrap up the story now?

  8. Is it just me or does it sound like Gaz is saying kenneth whats the frequency lol

    wow how ironic about Marie Curie. I was reading about her in my science text book today lol.

    Radioactivity and Electromagnetic.... sounds like a recipe for an EMP Device?

  9. Is it just me or are we ignoring the audio waves? Notice how at the end treyarch fixed the video so it doesn't sound like a zombie anymore its just a really loud screech but even though its really loud the audio waves do not move and stay steady with the background audio as if the screech wasn't there...

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