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Sgt. Grady

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Posts posted by Sgt. Grady

  1. I know there is a lotof hype on the black ops multiplayer right now, i cant blame yall its pretty awesome, but a thought crossed my mind about the story. We know its based around the cold war and you are every where but what are you looking foward to seeing in the story or hoping will be in the story? for example a stealth mission, sniper mission. What do you hope will be in the story or are looking foward to the most?

  2. just saw something that might lead to something or may not. once you have put in the password and you see all the screens, the button that you pressed to get to the password screen is the button you want to put the mouse on. start clicking the mouse really quickly and the box above the big tv will flash something really quickly i cannot make out what it is but maybe one of yall can.

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