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Posts posted by Gosu71

  1. but cod shouldn't be getting worse over time and this us a huge rip off. Of my cod friends, only one bought it besides me (and immediately stopped playing), the rest read up on how awful it is and made the smart choice to pass on this.

    The last truly great CoD game was CoD 4.

    Since then every release has got worse with needless additions which ruin the gameplay for me.


  2. I just wanted to point this out to you guys...

    The stamp on the folder is of Richard Wright. That stamp came out on April 8th 2009 (As you can see from the screencap below) http://www.usps.com/communications/newsroom/2009/pr09_037.htm

    Yeah so It came out on April 8th. As you already know there was that "April Week Two" thing that got coded out. And April 8th just so happens to be the first day of the Second week of April.

    There is a 1/365 chance that its just a coincidence, or it could mean that there will be more info on April 8th :D

    Some info on that stamp -

    - the year 1961: Bay of Pigs.

    - the same year Cuba became a communist country

    - "Richard Wright" was the famous author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, whose wife was a communist party organizer in Brooklyn

    - Wright was also a Communist

  3. Hi everyone.

    I'm Gosu and i'm the admin from Prestige Gamerz. Some of you may know me already but to those who don't - Hi :D

    I created the Prestige Gamerz site with GoD_GraveDancer after getting bored with CoD HQ and decided i'd take all the main PS3 users to a new forum, which I knocked up in 10 minutes while at work. 11 months later and we've gone from a little MW2 free forum to a multi gaming/multi platform site and are being considered for Metacritic. All the success is down to all our users as PGz is 'For the Gamer, By the Gamer'.

    My real name is Rob and I'm a PS3 gamer from England. I'm married and have a 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter. I'm a gaming addict and have owned most consoles ever released, my fav's being the PS3 and Dreamcast. When I'm not on my PS3 and family/work life allows, I enjoy playing on my PSP, wii or iPhone.

    My fav games include CoD 4 (PS3), Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast), Shenmue (Dreamcast), Uncharted 2 (PS3), Heavy Rain (PS3), Diablo 2 (PC), Team Fortress 2 (PC) and Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne (PC).

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