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Posts posted by KAIZER SOSA

  1. Those are what most caught my attention. Cheeping River and Cheering Viper are anagrams and the rest are about Ciphers.

    Honestly, first thing I thought when I saw those two "clues" was that they must be anagrams...

  2. Could 1969 be a year? Also, whats the Lower Rise, whats the beak.

    I'm going to go research.

    Well 1969 a couple things happened...

    Us - The battle for "Hamburger Hill" by the 101st in Nam.

    Political - Number of failed negotiations between French emissary sent by Nixon to North Vietnam.

    Enemy - The Viet Cong attack 110 targets throughout South Vietnam including Saigon, forcing U.S. troops to fight within the Demilitarized Zone for the first time since the Tet Offensive in '68.

    And... the Beatles held their last public performance, but I'm sure that has little to do with the next COD. :P :lol:

  3. ahh, the bay of pigs. EPIC FAIL :D

    Okay the historically inclined indviduals here know it failed... but as I explained on Twitter to another one who pointed out the same conclusion...

    @platformgod Because COD7 rumors and details suggest some "covert" action going down, maybe our new COD7 protagonist(s) are doubled up >

    @platformgod with some of the Cuban exiles lead in said mission. And eventually break off into their own objectives. The game has to present

    @platformgod some fictional moments for the sake of its storyline and to me, that is a possibility.

    But enough of that... I wanna concentrate on what we have here at hand. :)

  4. Being that its very Cold War-ish this can also lead some solidarity to the rumor of the Bay of Pigs mission in COD7? As JFK was also in office when this happened...

    Quite possibly our new COD7 protagonist(s) are doubled up with some of the Cuban exiles lead in said mission... which leads more into all the possibly "covert" feel that most rumors and details entails its direction at...

  5. i think that as each day goes on the image on the site will begin to become clearer. Whaever happens i am excited bc this is the first actual proof of zombies for cod7 :)))))

    edit-just realized the image was a tv that played. :oops:

    Yah, if you turn the dials images become clearer... :)

    JFK at the end is what sold me when watching it earlier. It's definitely 60's based imagery and design, and we all know JFK was in office during the Cuban Missile crisis.

  6. Its definitely Shi No Numa because of the certain elements (like the muddy swamp water that slows you down) and its creative traps (Hello Flogger)... even though Der Riese has the additional features that make a huge difference, I still prefer that swampy atmosphere.

  7. Hey nice site you got up here Carbon, unfortunately I wasn't a part of the old CODz site but since recently re-purchasing WaW, I decided to join in on the fun, and of course support as well.

    Keep up the good work... 8-)

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