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    • League of Geeks - the studio behind Armello, Jumplight Odyssey, and Solium Infernum - has announced it's going into "hibernation for the foreseeable future", following its decision to cut 50 percent of its workforce at the end of last year. At the time, the studio said it had been affected by a combination of "rapidly rising operation costs, a worsening AUD/USD exchange rate, poor early access sales [of starship management sim Jumplight Odyssey], and the unprecedented withdrawal of funding opportunities across the industry". Alongside layoffs at the studio, it confirmed development of Jumplight Odyssey would be paused "indefinitely". Since months on and the studio's fortunes have clearly not improved. In a post on the League of Geeks website, studio co-founders Ty Carey, Blake Mizzi, and Trent Kusters wrote, "The economic situation in games being what it is right now, we have made the decision to put LoG into hibernation for the foreseeable future and take some extended time off." Read more View the full article
    • Last year's Dead Space remake was a shining example of a remake done right. Isaac Clarke's return trip to the USG Ishimura brilliantly captured the atmosphere of the original while offering overhauled visuals and modernized mechanics. And though the future of the franchise, if it even has one, remains murky, there's at least one new piece of Dead Space media to look forward to. The Art of Dead Space is slated for a December 10 release, with preorders available now at Amazon. Since The Art of Dead Space doesn't arrive until December, you might be interested in checking out the original The Art of Dead Space, which covers the original game as well as Dead Space: Extraction, Dead Space: Ignition, and Dead Space 2. Featuring over 300 images across its 192 pages, it's worth owning if you're a longtime fan of the series. Best of all, it's currently on sale for $23 (down from $35). Round out your collection with these other great art books, most of which are discounted. Video Game Art Book Deals Elden Ring: Official Art Book Volume 1 (Hardcover) -- $44 ($60) The Art of Doom (Hardcover) -- $25 ($40) The Art of Cuphead (Hardcover) -- $31 ($50) The Art of Titanfall 2 (Hardcover) -- $25 ($40) The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy: Expanded Edition (Hardcover) -- $33 ($50) The Art of The Last of Us (Hardcover) -- $30 ($50) The Art of Fallout 4 (Hardcover) -- $37 ($50) The Art of Diablo (Hardcover) -- $24 ($45) View the full article
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