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Everything posted by iCnCyanide

  1. So... The final DLC for zombies will be the final chapter of the Nazi zombies. Maxis or richtofen has got their way. They're now set up for world dominition/destruction. Question is, where exactly will it be? The next map pack will actually be split into 2. Similar to how they have different game modes like tranzit and grief. Question is why would it be like this? Well in buried the two sides of richtofen and maxis actually split apart. Maxis wants to go to argatha. Richtofen wants world domination. Richtofens side The buried easter egg leaves a huge question mark for what's next for richtofen. He got his way, he controlls the zombies. He escapes the Aether world. Questiwhat is his next move. Arc De Triomph Arc De Triomphe is evidentially the next move for richtofen. It is a tomb located in France where an eternal fire is burned there. Back when kennedy was alive, he and his wife visited the tomb. His wife was inspired by this event and wanted something similar to this. When keneddy was assisinated, he was buried in "Arlington(see the connection?) National Cemetary". It is really unclear what exactly richtofen plans on doing there. As buried left us confused. But unless richtofen and Maxis somehow find their goals in one map, its a pretty accurate guess on where richtofen will be headed.
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