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Everything posted by DonvennO

  1. I was on a local match its strange because my Tranzit EE is still there and i completed Buried EE today and thats saved fine but just Die Rise missing :s
  2. Hmmm I defiantly havent attempted Maxis on Die Rise so this is strange, iv just checked again and its still not there Looks like ill have to do it over again
  3. Hi guys just thought id make a little introduction here my GT is DonvennO anyone can add it if they want, im an avid Zombies player (When im not working ) Iv played every zombies since the original and enjoy them thoroughly, Hope to play with some of you guys soon :D
  4. Not sure if anyone else has had this issue but iv completed the Easter Egg for Richtofen yet it keeps disappearing saying i havent completed it? No blue light on the tower etc, anyone else had this problem?
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