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Everything posted by KyleTheZombieSlayer

  1. I agree with you completely CHR0NIC UK. But you know Treyarch, They wont give things for free :/ Unless they add an elite feature like in mw3. But in that case all packs should be free. Eh, who knows?
  2. Some people think that zombies is getting out of hand, with it's 'Boss zombies' And Easter Eggs, But I personally disagree. I loved the challenge of the easter eggs and the prizes you were given for your hardwork. Sure if players want simple maps like Nacht and Verruckt, they should be allowed to have that, but I think Treyarch should make a mix of a simple and a complex map in one. This doesn't make much sense so I'll go into detail lol. I mean, that maps should have decent camping areas, for the simple-loving players, and Open areas with traps and stuff for the complex-loving players. I also think that the boss zombies is a decent idea. I'm not saying there you should be 5 different types of mega zombies, but I do think they're should be atleast 3 that are unique and not as easy to kill but in different ways. But this is just my opinion.
  3. I have a theory, I believe, that the picture of the woman released by Treyarch, could be Samantha, and she could be an essential character to stopping Dr. rictofen, and once and for all, Getting rid of the zombies. Perhaps the story will finish off with a remake of moon, where its a different moon base although there is a pyramid just like the one in Black Ops' "Moon", And Samantha and her allies, (Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo) Must complete an easter egg to get Rictofen out of the pyramid, and stop his control over the zombies. Although, this is all just a theory of mine. Give me you'r thoughts on this on where you agree and/or disagree. Thankyou :D
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