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Everything posted by pinkfuzzypanda

  1. First video is definitely slow, you should edit out the part where u died at level 4. I'm sure we all have died at level 4 before no need to spend 5 minutes and watch it. Some parts should be sped up I really dont think many people will spend 30 minutes watching just to get to level 15. I think if you compact all those videos to maybe a half an hour and provide more commentary. Explain to people why and what you are doing. Hope it helps. Good luck bru
  2. Hey friends I was playing some ascension and something weird happened. It was two player ascension around level 20 and i ran out of ammo in a gun so i asked my friend to escort me to pack a punch so i can upgrade. To our surprise there were much more zombies spawning than anticipated. I was forced to use a gersch (black hole) but i accidentally threw the gersch into one of holes in the pack a punch room corners. Then me and my friend heard a demonic laughter. the same laughter as in KINO when someone jumps on top of someone and kills himself and the guy on the bottom. Has anyone experienced this?
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