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How does 'The Crew' end up in another continent?


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It just doesn't add up. We are fighting the entire story line in Germany or America, and now all of the sudden we are going into another continent? It's also the same people from Green Run? How does that work out? How could they possibly get there?

I honestly don't have any theories on this right now, but I want to look into this. What do you guys think?

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Japan conquered part of China a long time ago. Go read up on some history ;D

Now, as for how they got to China.....

*glares at map selection globe*

Hmmm.... Funny how there's not a visible ocean anymore... HEY! The bus driver did say something about Hawaii..... Which is in the Pacific Ocean. Between America and China... Hmmmm.......

Yes. I'm implying they rode the bus to China. Why? I dunno. I blame NAVCards.

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Well, teleportation is a large part of the storyline. Especially since Der Riese. I would not be surprised if they found an MTD or teleporter of some sort.

It even already exists in Green Run. The Denizens somehow create worm holes to other locations. It's entirely possible that when they jumped in one (after completing the Tower of Babble), that they were transported to Die Rise, or close by.

We won't know till the actual map is out (even than we might not find out).

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I'm sure when the game starts one of them will make a comment about them teleporting there. I mean that's how the old crew got everywhere.

Maybe the missiles changed some of the land around and China is closer? If so they could of took the bus there with the Nav cards.

Either way i'm sure Marlton is happy. Maybe he was the one who decided to take a visit there?

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Weren't there MTD blueprints all around the workbenches in Green Run? It's a long stretch, but perhaps after building all the buildables, they noticed the blueprints and created on. If that's the case, we should be seeing some form of man-made teleportation device around Die Rise.

The only other mode of transportation would be the bus.

Hmmm.... Funny how there's not a visible ocean anymore... HEY! The bus driver did say something about Hawaii..... Which is in the Pacific Ocean. Between America and China... Hmmmm.......

This could be the key if they did travel via bus. When a location is nuked, there isn't any water left behind (as it becomes gas particles that are heavily radiated). I'm not a fan of the tectonic plate shift theory as China would in no way shape or form be that insanely close to America in the first place, but there are certainly some minuscule land shifts apparent.

Denizen portals may be involved as Rissole stated. I can't see how they'd teleport into a while new country. I thought there was some form of tunnel system underneath Green Run that allows the crew to teleport from one place to another on random circumstances. Could it have carried over into a different area? It's plausible.

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Honestly, I wouldn't try to figure out how they go from map to map. Though it might be considered canon, previous maps are unexplained.

- How did Richtofen get Dempsey from Verrückt (Germany) Nikolai & Takeo to the Serbian outpost of Call of the Dead?

- How did they then get to Shi No Numa (Asia) ????

- How did the Original 4 go from Shi No Numa to Der Reise???

- why do we come down on the Lunar Landers on Ascension?

- How did they get from Shangri-la (Hollow Earth or Mars) to Groom Lake? (Nevada)

- And why is it that when we teleport from Hanger 18, we land in the recieving bay on the moon without a Teleporter. Much like the area we spawn on, at Hanger 18?

All of these places didn't have known Teleporters (except Hanger 18 & we don't land on it when we spawn) So there are multiple maps which are not explained as to why we spawn where we do.

The Denizen teleporters from Green Run are an easy link to teleportation & the achievement description states "use a alternative method of transport" but that's only speculation & Der Rise may come before Green Run? Who knows yet?

Der Riese MTD Teleporter picture

There has to be a reason that the teleporter picture that first appeared on the Der Riese loading screen appears on all blueprints on the workbenches in Green Run. I can't wait until this is revealed. Surely something to do with 'Operation Paperclip'.

Bus Drivers Quote about Hawaii

"Attention passengers, next bus stop is the Island of Hawaii. We're all going to drown."

The underlying themes of his locations are - Nuclear Age - Secret Underground Complexes - Disasters.

Hawaii - "We're all going to drown" Hawaii is known for Volcanos, Earthquakes & Tsunami's.

To me this is what he is referencing - Disasters

We are experiencing an Apocalypse - One HUGE Disaster.

Call of the Dead & Moon filled in so much backstory, let's hope we get some answers, not more questions.

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DISCLAIMER: I am in no way an expert in geography or history so don't judge my post, i barely know what i'm talking about

Y'know how when the dinosaurs were around the eart was one big place called Pangea? Well it started moving cuz of shifting tetonic plates, right? If my memory serves me right it was cuz of the possible (115?) meteor that came and caused so much destruction, Pangea started to break up/move around. Now i'm not looking at a map right now, but is it possible that America and china could somehow have been re-connected through a sort of reverse engineer rocket? I know Tedd mentions going through Hawaii but that could just be a stop on the way.

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Its just a game dont expect everything to be logical. And Shi No Numa was in Japan (now part of modern day CHINA)

Japan was important to the story line since it involved the nazis and the axis. I don't see how china adds up, I mean it makes sence from the black ops 2 timeline since the story line involves china but china in black ops zombies... Ehh.

Inb4 but Japan conquered china during ww2, so it makes it relevant. I guess but I mean it's a city map not military map.

Help? :(

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Chinese spy's may have built a teleporter off the info they received from a51, then from green run, TEDD makes a stop at a seceret gov. facility that would teleport them to china! Easy!

The seceret gov. Facility could be A51 even, purhaps the map will start there too, like no mans land, and when we teleport to china we start the actual rounds... Maybe we'll see some clues that our O4 heros are still alive... Or.. Not so much.. :shock: :o :? :( :cry: :evil:

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Its just a game dont expect everything to be logical. And Shi No Numa was in Japan (now part of modern day CHINA)

If I had a dollar for every time i've seen an arrogant post like this, i'd be a very rich man.

"It's just a game" well guess what? It's Zombies, and this is CoDz, where we figure out the inner beings of the story and timeline. So buzz off if this is all you can muster up.

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