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El Dorado, Akakor, and the Next Installment of Zombies


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The Legend of Akakor

We have found ourselves in an awkward position in zombies. While to most the location of maps may seem at random or without reason, to a select few we have the ability to pinpoint their location. But what will be the next map? What can we expect in the future of zombies? Follow the red, bold-centered text that lay before you to find out.

While the involvement of vril-ya is indisputable in Shangri-La, we must dig ever further into the myth behind this semi-advanced race. It was believe that while a specific faction of Vril-ya settled in Shangri-la, it was also rumored that a separate faction of Aryan traveled as far as South America into the amazon before settling. This other faction were refereed to as the serpent people, said to idolize multiple snake-like gods and even go as far as to have the ability to transform themselves into these creatures. These coincide with the accounts of the Naga Statues at Shangri-La. The original book The Coming Race, the first piece of literature to mention Vril-ya, seems to re-account the vril sharing their world with large reptilian-like creature similar to crocodiles, but much larger and more powerful. Indeed, the the vril-ya, these Nagas were real... More than just real! It appears that while the Vril-ya had managed to burrow underground to escape a global cataclysmic event, so too had these pre-flood era living dinosaurs, surviving into the next millennia to have humanity idolize them as gods within the wilderness surrounding these underground labyrinths. Indeed, these Nagas pose a similar description to the serpents said to accompany the Serpant People out within the amazon.

On of the trade-mark presents of Aryan descendants was their ability for direct access to Agharta, the land of semi-advanced races that had learned a way to burrow into hallow earth. Of Hollow Earth, there are a series of direct tunnels that would permit direct transit between the surface and the underground world. Of these entrances, on of the most prominent appears to be a undisclosed cave within the area of Mato Grosso in modern Brazil, near the Amazon rain-forest. Almost directly beneath this entrance on the cave-city of the semi-advanced races.

Now we can begin to plug this into what we know of the serpent people within the amazon rain-forest. The fabled city of El Dorado was the objective of Spanish conquistadors for hundreds of years. Legend had it that buried within the jungles of America lied a lost city of gold with an advanced culture, society, and technology greater than that of the local tribes-people of the area. Relentlessly the Spaniards fought to locate this city of gold, but to no avail. The most famous explorer, Cortez, would kill hundreds of Aztecs in the process, only to never locate the hidden land.

The legend survived beyond the Spanish however. In 1935, the Nazi Party was growing influence in Germany. With this sudden socio-economic boom, a new project was founded. Codenamed The Guayana-Projekt, a group of researches were sent into the Amazon on one objective: To successfully pioneer the Amazon and, through the use of intermarriage between the locals and genetic cloning, create a second fatherland within the jungle itself. The project was anything but what it said it was however. Hundreds of local tribes persons were enslaved by German researches and forced to construct facilities deep within the heart of South America.

If you wish to read more on this (and trust me, you do), the link can be found here: http://www.fawcettadventure.com/nazi-gr ... mazon.html

From this project, several of the researches die of malaria before the entire settlement vanished from history. Not all was lost though. Years later in 1973, Erich von Däniken revisited the research conducted on the Guayana Project. After collecting a mass of material from the Project scattered around the villages surrounding the Nazi Settlement, Enrich began to interrogated local populations on the intentions of these researches. One local, a member of the Ugha Mogulala tribe and son of the daughter of a German missonary, claimed that their death was brought upon for the protection of Akakor. Akakor. Akator was said to be a yet to be discovered city between the jungles of Bolivia and Brazil, around the area of Mato Grosso. The fabled city held a massive underground tunnel system and complex the housed the citizens of Akator and help to keep them undiscovered for so many years. Beyond this, the beings that inhabited Akator held an abundance of wealth and technology ripe for discovery. These claims of Akator undoubtedly coincide with those of El Dorado and the underground city of the advanced races. Despite this find and later publishing of this story of Akator, this discovery was never pursued due to the discovery that this informant was not a local chieftain, but Günther Hauck, a German citizen. Still, had Günther been to Akator? Why lie about his German citizenship? What would he have had to gain in sending the world on a goose chase to find this lost civilization?

For Further Reading on Akator: http://www.philipcoppens.com/akahim.html

Beyond the claims of Akator and El Dorado, and abundance of living fossils find their homes in the jungles of the amazon, including modern crocodiles and other unidentified cryptids living within the Amazon Basin. Mysterious "bloops" as they are called are occasionally picked up by sonar, indicating an enormously huge creature unlike any other documented sea-creature. In addition, massive boas and anacondas are know to make the region their home. All of these, when added to the famous sky serpents of local mythology, hint towards a vary really possibly of Naga-like creature making a home in the area surrounding Akakor. The very idea that these legendary creatures have been proven to exist and are almost accepted in our world works to only strengthen my ideas on the matter.

Moreover, the rivers play host to the illusive amazon river dolphin, creatures similar to the yellow river dolphins that may have inspired the original tales of the Naga in the far east.

In conclusion, locating the possitioning of our next location in our endevers in learning the secrets of Vril and Hallow Earth may not be that difficult in the end after all. Next stop... AKATOR! THE CITY OF THE GODS!

Gaily bedight,

A gallant knight,

In sunshine and in shadow,

Had journeyed long,

Singing a song,

In search of Eldorado.

But he grew old -

This knight so bold -

And o'er his heart a shadow

Fell as he found

No spot of ground

That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength

Failed him at length,

He met a pilgrim shadow -

"Shadow," said he,

"Where can it be -

This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the mountains

Of the Moon,

Down the Valley of the Shadow,

Ride, boldly ride,"

The shade replied -

"If you seek for Eldorado!"

-Edgar Allen Poe

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Ah Faust you never fail to amaze!

This seems like it would be an awesome setting for a map, right now this and my Dwarka theory seem like the most plausible(well, the only 2 evidence based theories) on where we might go in the next game.

I'm also rooting for anaconda zombies if we do get the map. That would just be really cool lol.

[brains] +

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The way I see the story going, we will start to see less and less "practical" maps and see a shift into the conspiracy factor. I personally would love and underwater make like Dwarka to be honest!

But if the idea of the next storyline is to collect artifacts from Hollow Earth to end Richtofen, then we could very possible see either or BOTH of these maps make an appearance. :mrgreen:

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Nice theory Faust, but im not sure if you meant Akator because you spelled it alot like Akakor so which one is it?

[brains] for you!

My bad, Akakor. Akator is the misspelling of Akator in the latest indiana jones movie. Because Akakor was really discovered by German speakers, it is a k rather than a t.

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You know Faust what you said about Akakor in the new Indiana Jones film reminded me, what's with all the indiana jones references?

Now there's the one you just mentioned

As well as Nuketown in the multiplayers.

And that the characters are jumping around looking for artifacts. Are we seeing a very grim Indiana Jones theme here?

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You know Faust what you said about Akakor in the new Indiana Jones film reminded me, what's with all the indiana jones references?

Now there's the one you just mentioned

As well as Nuketown in the multiplayers.

And that the characters are jumping around looking for artifacts. Are we seeing a very grim Indiana Jones theme here?


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You know Faust what you said about Akakor in the new Indiana Jones film reminded me, what's with all the indiana jones references?

Now there's the one you just mentioned

As well as Nuketown in the multiplayers.

And that the characters are jumping around looking for artifacts. Are we seeing a very grim Indiana Jones theme here?


hmm, just noticed that the left has Russian and China, and the right has Cuba and Burkina Faso.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The plot thickens my friends. Tell me, what do you all know of the Lost City of Z? Prove to me that you all still have the ability to amaze me.

Won't lie, I hadn't heard of it, and so immediately cheated and went to Wikipedia to find a disappointingly short page on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_City_of_Z

Something tells me this doesn't amaze you quite as much as your theory amazed us, but it's the best I can do. Someone wanna do a better job?

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Lost City of Z sounds a lot like it could be WWZ :lol:.

On the topic of El Dorado, maybe collecting the crystal skulls could be apart of finding artifacts to save the world and end Richtofen's terror. Also our new scientists in the radios could also be Colonel Percy Harrison and his son. This could lead to many things, and maybe some plots of greed and murder just to thicken it even more. Then we could have a dual plot going on. We would have maps in Russia or other countries, while having another sequence going on in South America, where the "Super Race" has their underground cities. This could mean releasing two maps at a time with two coincinding plots that come together in the end at the center of the Earth.

Here is also another good read on the Lost City of Z and El Dorado


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  • 2 months later...

Although El Dorado does seem a fantastic place to go, and your theory and the story of it is brilliantly interesting and captivating, the theme and setting of El Dorado would be dangerously similar to that of Shangri-La don't you think? Exterior, humid jungle. Although, your could argue Nacht, Verruckt and Der Riese have a similar look about them. I dunno, just something to keep in mind. Real nice post thought Faust :D


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  • 6 months later...

Legend abounds that the Amazon Rain Forest is not a naturally formed paradise, but rather formed by a civilization that predates any written records. Without any written logs however, and with the forest itself to inhospitable for any long-term archaeological expeditions, little evidence has abounded towards this. Expert opinions still weighed in on the matter however in and article posted by The Atlantic:

Planting their orchards, the first Amazonians transformed large swaths of the river basin into something more pleasing to human beings. In a widely cited article from 1989, William Balée, the Tulane anthropologist, cautiously estimated that about 12 percent of the nonflooded Amazon forest was of anthropogenic origin—directly or indirectly created by human beings. In some circles this is now seen as a conservative position. "I basically think it's all human-created," Clement told me in Brazil. He argues that Indians changed the assortment and density of species throughout the region. So does Clark Erickson, the University of Pennsylvania archaeologist, who told me in Bolivia that the lowland tropical forests of South America are among the finest works of art on the planet. "Some of my colleagues would say that's pretty radical," he said, smiling mischievously. According to Peter Stahl, an anthropologist at the State University of New York at Binghamton, "lots" of botanists believe that "what the eco-imagery would like to picture as a pristine, untouched Urwelt [primeval world] in fact has been managed by people for millennia." The phrase "built environment," Erickson says, "applies to most, if not all, Neotropical landscapes."

If there are any brave botanists among us, perhaps they would like to step forward and read the paper that inspired these comments. Bare in mind this was written in 1989:

http://ethnobiology.org/sites/default/f ... /Balee.pdf

I pressure you to all remember that at time the piece was written there was little to no credibility to this theory. It appears all of that may have changed however when in the year of 2009, when the book "Lost City of Z" was published. This groundbreaking book by David Grann chronicles the tales of past adventurers who have explored the Amazon Rain Forest. Chief among these adventurers was one Percy Fawcett, a man who wished to prove that an ancient civilization within South America may well have been the fabled Atlantis.

In 1925, with funding from a London-based group of financiers called The Glove,[5] Fawcett returned to Brazil with his elder son Jack, and Jack's friend, for an exploratory expedition. He had studied ancient legends and historical records and was convinced a lost city existed somewhere in the Mato Grosso region, a city Fawcett named "Z." Fawcett left behind instructions stating that if the expedition did not return, no rescue expedition should be sent lest the rescuers suffer his fate.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percy_Fawcett

Mato Grasso, as should be remembered, is rumored to be a major enterance to Hollow Earth.

Fawcett's dream of locating and ancient advanced civilization did not die with him however:

A remarkable discovery was made by James Wilson in 1860, and earned him recognition by the Royal Geological Society. Wilson traced six terraces in going up from the sea through the province of Esmeraldas towards Quito, Ecuador. At various points along the coast he found ancient or fossil pottery, vessels, images and other manufactured articles all finely made. Some were made of gold, but most remarkable is the fact that they were taken from a stratum of ancient surface earth that was covered with a marine deposit six feet deep. The geological formation where these remains were found was as old as the drift strata of Europe and identical with that of Guayaquil in which the bones of the mastodons are found. The ancient surface earth, or vegetable mold, with the pottery, gold work and other relics of civilization was below the sea when the marine deposit was spread over it. Evidently the former civilized land sunk beneath the ocean long enough to accumulate the six feet of marine muck, and then rose again to its former position above sea level and was reforested long before the Spanish Conquistador's arrived. The ancient Atlantis legend speculates that it was an island continent that sank and would eventually rise again.

Source (special thanks to Ms. Bonnie McGuire: http://www.mcguiresplace.net/Stories-Th ... %20of%20Z/

Modern evidence has risen on the topic aswell. As continued deforestation of the Amazon continues, more and more ancient ruins are being discovered in previously unexplored areas.

So, an ancient, long lost civilization, Atlantian ruins, a 200 year old secret, and hollow earth? Sounds like a CoDz Christmas list. If one listens to the ending song in Green Run, a distinctly exotic tune can be heard. Perhaps a possible hint towards what we might see in the future? Nevertheless, every story, piece of evidence, and person presented in this comes from real world events. Are we really just video game theorists, or are we rewriting history? Honestly, someone tell me, because at times like this the line is too blurred for me to tell.

"Whether we get through, and emerge again, or leave our bones to rot in there, one things for certain. The answer to the enigma of Ancient South America...and perhaps of the prehistoric world...may be found when those old cities are located and opened up to scientific research. That the cities exist, I know..."

-Percy Fawcett

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I feel like Shangri-la gave us a cool ancient aliens angle to the story, where we needed to revisit forgotten technology from a lost civilization in order to move forward.

I wouldn't mind having another map added, like El Dorado or Atlantis, that gives a similar ancient lost civilization feel only if the legends from it can be appropriately tied into the threads of the zombie storyline.

- Mix

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I really enjoy this thread Faust. I have lurked over it often.

I have come across Akakor many times when researching zombie related stuff. It has 'popped up' more than Shangri-la/Agartha. Although it maybe similar, Akakor would be completely underground as opposed to 'Paradise'

One place/map I can't help but feel may be the ending is (if they do end it) The Lost City of Atlantis. (as mentioned in posts above.) Atlantis just seems to be the Penultimate Destination. So many secrets.

(The Indiana Jones references are just uncanny. The warehouse pictures above & also the Nuketown/Nuclear test town scene. Plus 'Akator')

Hope to read many more of your threads Faust!

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I wouldn't mind having another map added, like El Dorado or Atlantis, that gives a similar ancient lost civilization feel only if the legends from it can be appropriately tied into the threads of the zombie storyline.

One place/map I can't help but feel may be the ending is (if they do end it) The Lost City of Atlantis. (as mentioned in posts above.) Atlantis just seems to be the Penultimate Destination. So many secrets.

atlantis would be cool

Mac and I created a thread long ago explaining how Atlantis was once a home for the Vril-Ya. I have bits of it still if anyone want in their inbox, but the rest can't be salvaged for a few months. Because the thread isn't published currently, I will leave this here:

"Oho now that's a score! That supernatural box from Atlantis must like you! Oh, wow, I've said to much." - Samuel J. Stuhlinger

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I'm probably going to sound really uneducated in what I next say, compared to you people at least.

-The main menu for selecting Zombie maps is a globe. They wouldn't make a globe if all the options fit onto one small area (Nevada and Green Run right next to each other)

-The campaign took pride in moving away from gritty realism in all the maps, featuring them in fancier places like the floating city Colossus (awesome Zomb map idea actually) and other places. I'm thinking Zombies would greatly benefit moving the same way

-Continuing from the previous point, from what I gather people dislike the fog on Tranzit, it's like CotD but much much worser. They need somewhere more modernistic to keep the casual players interested, and I think making money is as big a priority to them as keeping everyone else happy with a mystifying storyline)

-Someone mentioned somewhere the group 601 having communication devices in the form of Pylons. I may not be a genius but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't need a communication pylon next to another one, and so they would be far apart.

-Linking those points together, I think that the next map will be somewhere like Tokyo or Shanghai. A long way away, with potential for cultural references, but which would not be as destroyed as Green Run. Probably a form of Tranzit map with a means of logistics relevant to the location(tram?). Maybe we could even have a special Takeo surprise?

Thank you.

PS. Colossus. Amazing location for a map. Nightclub and bright flashing lights, interspersed with powercuts and blackouts. Would make it so much scarier.

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This is good shit. Could definitely see something like this happening, but maybe after a few DLC map packs.

I would love to see something occur with the new radios that people found like I saw a bunch of vids on it, with the guy talking about "Jackass Flats" which I read on here is close to that nuclear testing site, the one with the hole in the ground and it shows nuketown on the global map thing similar to an area of some sorts, maybe it will involve more characters, and a new story although I would love to know where the original 3 have gone, while we know what Richtofen is up to.

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